good night 2012

Our house is officially Da-Chrismafied! I am exhausted! It has been a L-O-N-G year. Some great things (2012 highlights post to come) happen in our life, but I feel like this has been a year full of moving and address changes and a lot of stress and energy just seeking stability. Ironically I have just announced in my annual Christmas newsletter, that with 5 moves in 13 months It just wasn’t enough to satisfy us (read that with sarcasm!). Spartacus was offered a job back in Switzerland and we are returning to live in Europe again for a few years. I DREAD another move, especially an international re-lo, but once I have the household sold, packed, stored, and shipped I should be able to start getting really excited about all the wonderful new opportunities that made this offer so completely irresistible. I know that most people only dream of moving to Europe for a few years, I feel like we are winning the lottery to have done it twice-once (life before kids) eight years ago and now to be able to return and share this experience with our children leaves me so excited. I think Coco (age 3) and Boo (age 8) are at perfect ages to make this the exact right time to go. I will try and post as much information as possible about how we are doing it, and any helpful tips I can think of- especially since I have done it before and still feel like I have yet to discover the “best way” to relocate over seas. I am really excited to share this process with you. I remember when Jordan from Ohhappyday announced she was moving to Paris and Gabrielle from Designmom announced they were moving to France. I was so excited for them, and at the time surrounded by all my stability, I longed for a similar adventure. Now, feeling quite unstable, I am thrilled, and anxious at the task at hand. Please leave any helpful tips in the comments section below. Do you ever dream of living in Switzerland? Have you lived in Switzerland? How do I make this international move a smooth one for my children, especially on the heels of such an unstable year full of address changes? Are they more flexible from all the moving or are they on the verge of a breakdown (like me)?

we're moving here


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